Thursday 19 February 2015

Herald & Tilt

Over last weekend we checked out both Herald Copse at Nonsuch Park and the Wilderness at Hampton Court.

Herald Copse coming on well, as illustrated, not quite in full bloom. Plus the odd clump of crocus and signs of daffodils coming on. Decided against the café on this occasion, so it is now some time since we favoured this particular establishment with our custom.

Illustration not quite from the same spot as that as reference 1, so I am also some way off the standards set by the homicidal photographers from an episode of Midsomer. And never going to make the grade of the real camera buffs as I use a digital telephone rather than a proper camera with film. Which reminds me that I need to get back to the spiffing albumens of reference 2 before they close.

More snowdrops in the Wilderness than on the previous visit, a small number of daffodils and quite a lot of winter aconites, of which my failure to grow any in our new daffodil bed makes me even fonder. Not sure what I did wrong, with the patch of ground involved being well dug over and manured, or at least composted. I shall make a close inspection this morning to see if there is any trace, as there is of the not quite moribund snowdrops at the other end. See, for example, the posts at reference 3.

We were moved to try the café on this second occasion, the Tilt Yard café. I have moaned in the past about the rather unsatisfactory coffee shop they have established to the left of the entrance, but this time around, the refectory at the back was also open, selling tea & coffee in paper cups and a new-to-me sort of tart called a 'maids of honour'. Very good it was too, and entirely appropriate to a heritage place as there were strong associations to Anne Boleyn, a maid of honour herself before her elevation to throne & block.

Accosted on the bridge by two lots of the Muslims of Morden, of which more in due course. But you can read all about them at reference 4 in the meantime.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

PS: all these references remind me of the threaded products that one might use, rather than blogger from google that I do in fact use. I associate to Collabra Share from California, once an innovative & thrusting new product, now deceased, but the history of which is still turned up by google. I once even owned a lump of commemorative glass, in token of my then employer's commitment to the product. Thrusting it might have been, but, as I recall, it supported a tree structure of entries rather than the network that I need, and I suspect that other threaded products are going to be the same.

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